Thursday, November 28, 2013


I decided to prepare discussions I will have, in the future, on certain topics,  with my daughter .

The general topics every teen girl deals with and often becomes confused or misinformed about, fueled by gossip at school, movies and peers. Undeveloped perception creates theories that  are not practical or logical.
So we as parents have the job of unraveling these ideas and questions. More often then not, we are stopped in our tracks with a question that falls into this category and we most certainly will be unprepared.
What better way to send or deliver a clear, honest and profound message , then to have all your ducks in a row-meaning say every word with feeling and belief that you understand and know what you are talking about. By discussing with myself those topics. A rehearsal more or less.

So thats what this blog will be about: the before, the during and after conversations with my teen daughter.

At 15 what has every girl experienced at this age? Wanting to find true love!


Because I grew up with a single parent life style- a mother who was a man hater to the bone-and mother Hubbard syndrome {poor} a lot of my childhood was surrounded by negative situations.

So like every little girl, I began to romanticize of how my life would be different one day. That one day I would find a man who took care of me loved me and provided that cute little house with a pretty yard and all the things I wasnt able to or allowed to have as a child...and life would be perfect and I would be happy forever.
Classic case of "wrong" loud and clear when I ran away from a home life that was borderline child abuse to a knight and shiner about once  a week for nearly !0 years.
My mistake was, not realizing that the only happiness one will have is to first build a happy person with in yourself. Sounds simple enough right?
If I knew then what i know now....ring a bell?

RELATIONSHIPS dont begin with perfect.
Meeting a guy at 15 and getting involved sexually and saying I love you and dealing with relationship issues at a time when all focus should be in learning and understanding the tools that are being offered for free...the skills to begin building a person for happiness by what ever definition one feels that may be.
You learn and grow and concentrate on educating your mind-opening doors to roads you never know you have unless you take the steps to follow those paths to those doors and to those roads. those paths will also bring you to a place where you can day by day understand, be rational , logical and practical.
The more tools you experience the more you define your skills . Skills for decisions and situations and problems..

A body builder- he reads and researches the right foods and diet and excersize along with time energy and a lot effort and discipline to get what he decided- his first desire to be a body builder- .
with hard work and time and commitment  begins to see  how his body takes shape. He then decides to keep going because now he has another image of himself of what he wants to look like. He also has experience and a better understanding of all the fundamentals.  Because hes using all the tools-the knowledge he has been provided . Which showed him how and where to get more information that he wanted but didnt have. Its a grow and expanding process. The longer you do something the more knowledge more experience more options awareness a better well constructed sound decisions

to be continued
I will edit this to make some points more clear.